DocSpera, a HIPAA-Compliant platform for secure collaboration now enables physicians to coordinate and communicate with their medical staff to expedite workflow
DocSpera, the leading web- and mobile-based platform for verified healthcare professionals, announced today that it is extending its secure collaboration offering to care team members. The company recently launched a new version of its collaboration service, which in addition to providing access to peer physicians and ‘vetted’ medical device representatives, now gives physicians the ability to onboard and control the access for their care team members to streamline the patient care process and ensure appropriate security, privacy and HIPAA compliance. With the inclusion of care teams, physicians can now create more robust networks for image sharing and newly launched video case sharing for improved day-to-day workflow management.
The updates to DocSpera follow a significant increase in user adoption since the company launched late last year. DocSpera has since penetrated over 500 institutions and practice groups. ”We are excited to launch the addition of care teams on DocSpera. This will significantly improve day-to-day workflow management for our members.” Says Sy Fahimi, co-founder. “Thousands of surgeons are relying on DocSpera to collaborate on complex cases, determine appropriate treatment and preoperative plans, and communicate while on the go. Care team members are significant participants in the support of care delivery and can now more effectively and efficiently engage with their physicians’ ecosystem on the platform.”
Through a rigorous user verification process, DocSpera allows only qualified users access to the platform – ensuring the highest level of security and HIPAA compliance. Healthcare professionals can use DocSpera to collaborate with their colleagues via proprietary encrypted messaging and case sharing capabilities.
A secure, institution-agnostic collaboration platform for all non-EMR workflows that is both mobile-ready and compliant is increasingly important for healthcare professionals to improve their efficiency. Most traditional Electronic Medical Record (EMR) systems are limited only to providers within a single hospital system and do not touch most of professional clinical interaction connection points across the care environment, as a result most physician to physician and care team member communications continue to occur outside of EMR systems. This results in slower and more fragmented care team communications as well as unneeded risk around compliance with privacy and security regulations.
This latest release highlights the Silicon Valley-based DocSpera’s continuing commitment to empower patient care providers to communicate and collaborate both securely and on their device of choice. For more information, please visit: